Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Freaking Awesome Tardis'

So I've been working on making mini Tardis' (plural) to make a ring/earring set. My first one came out pretty good and I was super stoked. THEN. I made two smaller ones for earrings. The colors, the shading, per.fec.tion. I loved my first one tremendously, but when these two were done I was over the moon. They will be amazing as finished jewelry if it doesn't kill me first.

Yesterday in my excitement to pull my first try out of the oven I nearly knocked myself out on the open cupboard corner, right in the forehead. Lots of arnica later I have no bruise, but still hurts a ton. Then now still jumping around excited for these two little guys I was shaking the can of Workable Fixitif and slam my elbow into the edge of my chair. Dead armed instantly. I made it out though, and have some awesome pieces to show for it. We all suffer for our art, right?

My first try: 

The new baby Tardis':

The lighting isn't great, but I was so excited I didn't want to take the time to pull out the lightbox. Now what did I make that for? :)

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